Set 06: DM/TM
- DMpreB
- leukemic cells - 3 Samples
- TMpreB
- leukemic cells that infiltrate the CNS - 3 Samples
- preB
- normal precursor B cells - 3 Samples
- proB
- normal prprogenitor B cells - 3 Samples
Platform: Affymetrix MOE430 v2
Note: The originally computed t-Statistics for this dataset were never saved to a file but directly processed to
FDR-adjusted q-Values. Based on the original R-Code, which could be recovered from Vicki Ling's Folder on the Guido's Labfiles server, the t-Statistics were
re-computed with the R-Code archived on:
and validated to reproduce the FDR-adjusted q-Values from the original analysis.
Note 2: Eniko Papp took over to analyze this dataset with GSEA.