Enrichment in phenotype: na
- 567 / 1275 gene sets are upregulated in phenotype na_pos
- 177 gene sets are significant at FDR < 25%
- 107 gene sets are significantly enriched at nominal pvalue < 1%
- 161 gene sets are significantly enriched at nominal pvalue < 5%
- Snapshot of enrichment results
- Detailed enrichment results in html format
- Detailed enrichment results in excel format (tab delimited text)
- Guide to interpret results
Enrichment in phenotype: na
- 708 / 1275 gene sets are upregulated in phenotype na_neg
- 250 gene sets are significantly enriched at FDR < 25%
- 122 gene sets are significantly enriched at nominal pvalue < 1%
- 200 gene sets are significantly enriched at nominal pvalue < 5%
- Snapshot of enrichment results
- Detailed enrichment results in html format
- Detailed enrichment results in excel format (tab delimited text)
- Guide to interpret results
Dataset details
- The dataset has 21948 features (genes)
- No probe set => gene symbol collapsing was requested, so all 21948 features were used
Gene set details
- Gene set size filters (min=10, max=500) resulted in filtering out 179 / 1454 gene sets
- The remaining 1275 gene sets were used in the analysis
- List of gene sets used and their sizes (restricted to features in the specified dataset)
Gene markers for the na_pos versus na_neg comparison
Global statistics and plots